perm filename UICC[RDG,DBL] blob sn#543037 filedate 1980-11-05 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	Mailed to THORPE@CMUA 13:58 31-Oct
C00005 00003	Mailed (by Post Office) 3 November
C00017 00004	∂02-Nov-80  2014	CSD.LENAT at SU-SCORE 	Re: Comments before I mail this off?      
C00018 00005	∂05-Nov-80  1020	CSD.SMITH at SU-SCORE 	Re: FYI     
C00019 00006		Out-takes
C00021 ENDMK
Mailed to THORPE@CMUA 13:58 31-Oct
U of I @ CC
Jack Mostow suggested you might be able to answer a question I have  about
the University  of Illinois  at Chicago  Circle.  Is  it on  any  computer
network?  In particular, is it on any of the networks which (you know  to)
include Stanford -  such as  the ARPAnet, or  SUMEX.  (I  checked out  the
ARPAnet, but could not find it there  - does it have perhaps some  cryptic

Thank you.
	Russ Greiner

(I am trying to send a message to Prof Minkowycz and A. Sharma.)

∂31-Oct-80  1518	Charles.Thorpe at CMU-10A (C410CT60) 	Re: U of I @ CC  
Date: 31 October 1980 1750-EST (Friday)
From: Charles.Thorpe at CMU-10A (C410CT60)
To: Russell Greiner <RDG at SU-AI> 
Subject:  Re: U of I @ CC
In-Reply-To:  Russell Greiner's message of 31 Oct 80 16:58-EST
Message-Id: <31Oct80 175047 CT60@CMU-10A>

The only Chicago organization I could get to admit to having ARPAnet connections
was Argonne National Labs, and they're a long ways away from Circle campus.  I
don't know about the other nets.  Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
				Chuck Thorpe
PS--greet Jack for me.

Mailed to THORPE@CMUA 15:50 31-Oct
Thanks anyway. 
Do you know anything about the research Minkowycz et al are pursuing?

∂01-Nov-80  1210	Charles.Thorpe at CMU-10A (C410CT60) 	Re: Thanks anyway.    
Date:  1 November 1980 1507-EST (Saturday)
From: Charles.Thorpe at CMU-10A (C410CT60)
To: Russell Greiner <RDG at SU-AI> 
Subject:  Re: Thanks anyway.
In-Reply-To:  Russell Greiner's message of 31 Oct 80 18:50-EST
Message-Id: <01Nov80 150726 CT60@CMU-10A>

Sorry, I don't know anything about Minkowycz.  My only dealings with the U of
Chicago were in trying to get an ARPA link to CMU; I never actually attended

Mailed to THORPE@CMUA 13:13 1-Nov
Oh, Jack wasn't sure what your affiliation with UofI@CC was.
Mailed (by Post Office) 3 November
							1 November 1980

Professor W.J. Minkowycz
Dr. A. Sharma
University of Illinois at Chicago Circle
College of Engineering
Box 4348
Chicago, Illinois  90980

Dear Sirs:

I am pleased to learn of your  interest in the RLL-1 system, as  expressed
in your letter  of 10 October.   I am sending,  under seperate cover,  the
memos you  (explicitly) requested,  together  with two  other  potentially
relevant ones.   The "Details  of RLL-1"  report includes  many  low-level
specifics of our current system.

While we  do plan  to  release RLL-1  eventually,  we are  cautious  about
releasing it too  soon.  Our reasons  stem from various  causes:  

(1) The particulars of the starting RLL-1 system (i.e the "bootstrap") are
still being hammered  out.  The  difficulties of  this design  are in  two
camps:  First we  want the system  to be as  unbiased as possible.   Given
that this starting system will necesarily employ some conventions we  want
to insure each such convention is "minimal" and necessary -- that is, they
should not  force you,  the  user, into  difficult situations  or  awkward
coding.  The neo-natal MRS (described in more detail below) is much closer
to realizing this goal that RLL-1 will ever be.

Secondly, RLL-1  should  come  equipped  with  enought  powerful,  general
constructs that the user can readily do a great many useful things, over a
wide range of tasks.  Bifucating  again, many of RLL-1 current  components
have not yet reached  the generality we  think possible, and  furthermore,
there are  many areas  which have  not even  been considered,  and so  the
modules capable of performing this type of task have not yet been built.

This is not surprising:   By design, RLL-1 is  a continuously growing  and
evolving system --  one capable of  adding on new  components as the  need
arises.  The concern here is the large number of known ommissions.

(2) Another major  problem is the  bugs which are  present in the  current
RLL-1 system.  We feel it will take  about a month to correct the ones  we
now know about.

(3) The other major issue stems from research directions.  Prof Lenat  and
I developed RLL-1 as a tool, to be used to build the EURISKO system.  [See
Appendix B.2  for an  overview  of RLL-1's  role  as foundation  for  this
system.  There were  two major  reasons why  we encouraged  others to  use
RLL-1:  First, these other applications will  push on the set of  features
RLL-1 will have to  provide; the modules built  to handle such  situations
will expand RLL-1's  capabilites, making it  a more general  tool for  our
uses  as  well.   Second,   RLL-1  will  provide   a  Lingua  Franca   for
EURISKO-related knowledge  bases.  To  function, the  EURISKO system  must
first include a large collection of diverse knowledge bases.  Rather  than
inputing these ourselves,  we would rather  develope a symbiotic  relation
with other  researchers  -- they  will  be given  the  underlying  EURISKO
system, as a  particular representational/control scheme  for their  data,
and in exchange, we  get to peak over  their shoulders, and collect  their
set of heuristics.  As  such, it is strongly  in our interest to  continue
supporting EURISKO.  We have further decided to support/improve RLL-1 only
where such modifications are  crucial to its  application to this  primary
line of research  -- which  is concerned  more with  heuristics than  with
representations, per se.

The research ideas of a  representation language language are still  being
pursued here at Stanford, by Professor Micheal Genesereth and David Smith.
They are now  developing the  MRS (for  Modifiable Representation  System)
mentioned above.  They  have guaranteed continued  support of its  kernel,
and intend to soon develop a full user community, in which implementations
of diverse  representational  systems  can  be  coopertively  constructed,
collected and dispersed.  After  the (both conceptual and  implementation)
bugs have been  purged from  both of  our respective  systems, RLL-1  will
actually be encoded in MRS.  At this point RLL-1 will be (viewable as) one
of many "plug-in" modules, which "twiddles" that copy of MRS into a system
which follows a particular set of conventions.

With these caveats in mind, here are the options for using RLL-1, as I see

(1) We could export to you the RLL-1  system, as it is now.  We would,  of
course, make no commitment  to support this  pre-release version.  It  is,
however, thoroughly  documented, and  does  do a  great number  of  things

(2) In about another month (after removing those major known bugs) we plan
to freeze the then-existent system.  This system will be fairly static  --
the only updates will be repairs to bugs subsequently found, as opposed to
extensions.  Note that we will fix  just those problems which seem to  lie
on our critical path.

(3) The EURISKO network is just starting  up -- within a few months  after
getting a working version of RLL-1, we feel it will be distributable.   If
your task area is conducive to a EURISKO type of exploration, you will  be
welcome to use that system.  Recall that this network, which will be built
on top of RLL-1, will continue to be supported from here.

(4) If you wish to pursue  representation issues, qua research topic,  you
may wish to join the growing RLL-1/MRS community.  "Good citizens" of this
group are  expected to  contribute both  ideas and  code to  an  evolving,
improving system.

Let me know which  of these options seems  most appropriate -- or  perhaps
you can envision another possibility.

I have a quick list of remaining issues/questions:

1. Your letter refered to a  description of your task.  Could you  perhaps
send me another copy of this article, as I never found it.

2. Is UofI@CC on  any computer network which  also includes Stanford?   Do
you know of any (even indirect) electronic path from there to here?  I can
be reached  at RDG@SU-AI,  CSD.GREINER@SCORE  or GREINER@SUMEX;  and  much
prefer this faster communication to the slower postal mail.

3. I am enclosing  a copy of  the first (and only)  message posted on  the
(Virtual) RLL Bulletin Board.   If you wish, I  will see that you  receive
further messages  as  well.  (Note  this  bulletin board  is  intended  to
discuss  theoretical  issues  of  representation  language  langauges,  as
opposed  to   our  implementation,   RLL-1,   per  se.    Notications   of
updates/modifications/bugs/etc to RLL-1 will appear elsewhere.)

4. RLL-1, as it  now stands, does require  InterLisp.  MRS, however,  will
have parallel implementations  in both InterLisp  and MacLisp.  Thus  once
RLL-1 has been written in MRS it will be MacLisp compatible.

This has  been  the  first  formal request  for  RLL-1,  from  outside  of
Stanford.  As such the policies  concerning how to distribute this  system
are quite  flexible.   If  you  have any  suggestions  on  how  we  should
facilitate releasing our system, please let me know.  Please let me  know,
also, if there is any way I may be of further help with your project.


				Russell Greiner
				Computer Science Department
				Stanford University
				Stanford, CA 94305

CC: Professor Douglas B.  Lenat, Professor Micheal  R Genesereth, David  E
∂02-Nov-80  2014	CSD.LENAT at SU-SCORE 	Re: Comments before I mail this off?      
Date:  2 Nov 1980 2011-PST
Subject: Re: Comments before I mail this off?  
To: RDG at SU-AI
In-Reply-To: Your message of 1-Nov-80 1437-PST

An ecellent answer; much bette than I'm sure they're expecting.  Thanks.

∂05-Nov-80  1020	CSD.SMITH at SU-SCORE 	Re: FYI     
Date:  5 Nov 1980 1017-PST
Subject: Re: FYI 
To: RDG at SU-AI
In-Reply-To: Your message of 4-Nov-80 1806-PST

You should probably ask Ed or Bruce about distribution.  I think that Stanford
requires that a copyright notice go out with the software, and may also require
that a liability release form be signed.

First, many design related issues are just now being decided --
many of these may have considerable ramifications on the ...
In addition to these areas which we know ... are areas which have not yet
been included - simple omissions.
In addition, there are still a non-trivial number of simple bugs, not yet
tracked down.

The current RLL-1 system (and MRS as well) is basically a general (hopefully
universal) nucleus, and a collection of particulars.
Defn of system - i.e. RLL more like an idea; implementation is just
certain bootstrapping...
RLL, in theory, is a composition of a large number of modules,
each of which encodes some body of knowledge.
For many applications may be essential to have things like EURISKO, a KB
which includes some idea of a control system (here Agenda mechanism)

I'm not familiar with hardware, and other implementation sorts of things.